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Protospiel, Euronimoes, Water Balloon Wars

So, Protospiel Chelsea was last week, and I enjoyed myself immensely.  I saw some old friends, made some new ones, and played a crap ton of games.  It was awesome.

I took Euronimoes this year, since I was thinking of doing another update, and had folks put it through the wringer.  It passed.  I want to go through the rules again, maybe add some graphics, and then upload version 3.0.

I also dusted off Water Balloon Wars to see how it would fare.  It went over really well.  It’s a flicking game where you try to capture your opponent’s king.  So it’s basically a dexterity / strategy / war game.  What I like about it is that you have to have both good strategy and good flicking skills — either one without the other just isn’t enough.  And there’s a lot more strategy than you might think.

I hadn’t played it in a while, but I enjoyed it so much I’m going to upload it as a print-and-play.  That, too, will be coming in the next couple of weeks.  I may also look into selling it on The Game Crafter.

In other news, I just pulled Horsefeathers from my blog.  It needs a bit of work, and while I think I know what needs to happen, it’s going to take me a while to get around to it.  So it’s down for now, but it’ll be back at some point.

Happy gaming!


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